Methodology for Developing ATTR-CM Factbook

1. Synthesis of Existing Materials​

44 documents received from Alexion — collected, catalogued & reviewed
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Key Documents include:
  • High-level disease overview, diagnostic summary, and Tx landscape
  • Alexion Epi Dossier
  • Scientific Literature
  • HCP Primary Research
  • Etc.

Note: some documents duplicative / redundant

2. Targeted Secondary Research​

Synthesis of Patient Stories/Videos
Physician, patient & caregiver accounts of their experiences with ATTRwt-CM
(11 patient stories & 8 videos)
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Full details available in accompanying patient story document 
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Secondary Research on Advocacy Groups/Websites & FB Groups
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Literature Research​
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3. Patient & Stakeholder​ Experience Factbook​

Identified key stages of attrwt-CM Patient Journey

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Synthesized key insights from internal & external materials for each stage of the Patient Journey
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